
[ always tell stories ] this month: "kiln candy"


Don't Need To Be A 'Woman Of Color' To Appreciate This

All villages matter. And it's our rise in consciousness that helps us know that.


Departing The 'Me' Generation... Shaping The Footprints We Leave

Courtesy of Brandon this morning:

"I cannot believe that the purpose of life is to be happy. I think the purpose of life is to be useful, to be responsible, to be compassionate. It is, above all to matter, to count, to stand for something, to have made some difference that you lived at all. "

-Leo Rosten

'The World Is Barren Enough' Without A Chance At Love

And then, some much-needed comic relief:


'Tomorrow's Starting Now': The Perfect Way To Start A New Earth


'The Year Is 2016..." A Simple Experiment (And Exercise) In Hope

Courtesy of Gini today... A positive vision appears below that keys in to our future selves and what we could help create tomorrow on Election Day.

But before I get to the good stuff:

When I went to "The Google" on the InterWebs to find
the actual link to the Buddhist meditation post, I found some unusual prognostications. For your amusement, here is a sampling of my Google search followed by comments:

"The Year is 2016..."

- "...President Jeb Bush is
running for a third term as U.S. President."
Yeah, not so much. We've had enough Bush for 8 years.

- "...Ivan
has been employed at a large Danish abattoir for 26 years."
No idea what this means. But I like it better than the previous result.

- "...and mankind has been annihilated, hunted to extinction by a century's worth of alien attacks."
Nah, Palin should probably be in retirement by then. Oops! Just a video game teaser.

- "...The workplace has evolved into the '
dynamic and wise workplace.' This has demanded that business and information professionals manage information from a myriad of sources in a myriad of formats, and consolidate it into a tapestry of intelligence."
Dig it. A "tapestry" of anything has GOT to be good.

- "...and the United States has
elected its first woman as well as the first Jewish president, Susan Goldfarb."
Hmmm... maybe someday. Remember how close Lieberman was to VP? Oy.

- "...and the world is changing, perhaps permanently, for the worst. In the rapidly moving city of New York,
the problem blossoms and threatens to unfold."
Seriously? I know NYC is full of wingnuts, but really...

Now that we have all of that disintegrated negativity out of the way, here's the true vision to hold. Thanks again to Gini for passing this along:

The Vision: Seeing Obama in Office

The year is 2016. We glance at the television one morning and see Obama having another of his many press conferences. He has now been in office for almost 8 years. It hasn't been perfect, but things are completely different than when he took office in January of 2009. It is almost hard to remember how lost we were in the country at that time and how the world community had lost its faith in the United States.

Now... the sense of promise and pride that has always defined the vision of America has been restored, deepened, and expanded, and we live in a world marked by collaboration, partnership, and respect--largely due to the extraordinary leadership of perhaps our greatest President.

You notice that his hair has whitened a bit and that he still has that winning smile and that take-charge/positive energy that he had when he was campaigning way back in 2008.

You remember back to how concerned you were about whether or not he would win in 2008 and you feel deeply contented that he has been safely in office for such a long time.

He and Congress have done remarkable and historic work to address and create new economic opportunities, bring into existence the whole world of green collar jobs and a whole new energy matrix for our country and the world. Fossil fuels are no longer dominating our lives and our economic system and the new and clean energy industry has been born and is viably and reliably serving and meeting our needs.

We have completely redefined national security, and halted global warming, health care is available to all for the first time ever, quality education is back at the center of our national agenda, and our schools and teachers are producing results we have always dreamed of for the next generation of leaders. Terrorism is part of history and is no longer a threat. We care for and collaborate with other nations and where people are desperate and in need, they no longer need to resort to desperate tactics because the world community is organized to hold them and help them find their place and their contribution.

In many other areas, what was previous unthinkable is now the reality of
our time. We have challenges, yes, and we also have the courage and the
resolve and the confidence in ourselves and our world to meet them. We are awake, clear, and our leadership and our nation is inspired, has integrity is trustworthy and trusted.

When you stop and think about the magnitude of the transformation, you feeldeep gratitude for the past eight years and how things have unfolded.

See it...
Feel it...
Breathe it....
Pass it on.

THE CHALLENGE: Take 30 seconds right now. Close your eyes
and imagine exactly what our country will feel like with President
Obama. Imagine how good it will feel. Imagine whatever it is about
him that you desire. Imagine the pride. Imagine the diplomacy.
Imagine the peace. Imagine the wind mills and the clean cars.
Imagine the citizen groups. Imagine the earth being healed and
revitalized. Imagine being very proud of your country and its
leader. Imagine whatever it is that draws you to support Obama.
Imagine what your life will look like.

Stop worrying and start visualizing.
30 seconds. Do it several times a day. We can shift and change
the vibration of this country with positive visions just like this.
It's only 30 seconds.

Coming Soon...

Coming in the next few days:

-- New header capture
-- Soft launch of ARTvision 2008, with new artists, photographers and musicians
-- Some new articles from the vault
-- An excerpt form my (nearly completed) book proposal
-- A newly relaunched "Tunes" tab, including songs from me and a playlist

Watch for all that this week!

I Needed Some Comic Relief, And I'm Sure You Did, Too

I think I'm slow to catch on to this phenomenon (I did a post earlier about Silverman's "The Great Schlep" a while back)... so in case you missed it, have a look:


Why Obama, Pt. III: 'Transformational Figure' Will End Us Vs. Them

(ATLANTA :: 3 Nov. 2008) This race is not just about race.

Underlying threads of an "Us vs. Them" mentality have been poisoning our politics, our daily lives actually, for decades. In the words of Colin Powell, we need a "transformational figure" to dismantle and permanently dissolve that ideology:

Barack Obama is just that person to bring about dramatic change in our country. Yes, he's only one person and yes, he's just a politician... with the same shortcomings as any of us.

But as I told my relatives out West, it's not just about what he represents - it's about whom he'd surround himself with; the potential pool of those sharp, astute policy wonks - people who can problem solve and not wag fingers (that is, when they're not sitting on their hands). That made the difference for me. We need expert leadership in as many positions in government as possible, and now here's our chance.

Andrew Sullivan, a conservative writer and pundit, someone I watch intently, has been blogging about why Obama is the best choice. Thanks to Musty for passing along his post about an essay in the Times of London, talking about how Obama is the sensible salve for "profound national demoralization."

This is not about party affiliation or loyalty for me - this is about who presents the better solutions for our social (Supreme Court), economic (broken credit markets) and other woes.

I've already voted Obama and
Jim Martin to defeat Saxby Chambliss, and will be volunteering tomorrow on Election Day. I will bring my camera along with me and record anything of interest.

As I said before... can you imagine intellectual curiosity in the White House again?

We're one more day away from restoring it.

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